

1, 10,000 Hours With Claude Shannon: How A Genius Thinks, Works, and Lives
2,Makers专访Margaret Hamilton, NASA’s First Software Engineer

Meet Margaret H. Hamilton, the woman who led man to the moon. 
On July 20th, 1969, minutes before Apollo 11's scheduled touch-down, 
there was a computer error that would have changed history had it not been 
for Margaret's programming that overrode the glitch and ultimately made 
"one small step for man, and a giant leap for mankind" a reality.

可以看到这样的工程师给人类的科学与技术带来了不可估量价值的贡献,Margaret Hamilton回忆起带着自己的孩子参观工作环境,因孩子捣乱而想到了过去编程都是面向正确,而不是现在说的“面向失败”,并为NASA引入了“Software Engineer”的概念。视频很值得一看,最后面颁发总统自由勋章,可以看到艾伦,德尼罗,盖茨夫妇,汤姆汉克斯等。计算机领域的本来就不多
3,Fiction: Who Killed Windows Phone?
印象中windows phone是被Android/iPhone打败,但作者认为不是,android之前已麻烦初现,作者通过Fiction方式,比如假设WP免费会如何。
但不论怎么分析,如作者引用“Victory Has Many Fathers But Defeat Is An Orphan”。
4, You’ve Been Using Your Brain Wrong: Human Brains Aren’t Designed to Remember Things作者为Lifehack的CEO&Founder

Tech Digest

1, Java Performance Tuning本(上)周更新了,
The Performance Engineer’s Guide to HotSpot Virtual Machine’s Execution Engine (Page last updated May 2017, Added 2017-07-31, Author Monica Beckwith, Publisher Riga Dev Days).
视频内容主讲Monica Beckwith是Java/JVM Performance Consultant, 曾在AMD/sun/oracle工作,曾是OpenJDK的leader,同样的视频内容作者其实在许多各地InfoQ都有讲过,youtube上也有许多,同样的内容重复讲,其实,大家这里可以看到文章内容的质量,事实上是不错的,深入浅出, 国内Infoq上也可以搜到极客搜索
2, cakesolutions this week #scala 更新
3, Lightbend Tech Digest
4, 10 things Idris improved over Haskell